Welcome to join Realy DAO

2 min readNov 2, 2022


What is the Realy DAO?

Realy, as its name, starts from the real world and enters the virtual world by creating a new metaverse ecological world. “Virtual is the future, and the future has come”.

Realy DAO, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization based on the original Realy metaverse community, which means that the Realy project is not controlled by a single person or company, but should listen to the opinions of the community, be jointly decided and managed by community members, and contribute to the growth of the community.

Run by our community and Build for our people.

Why DAO?

The Metaverse should naturally be the DAO. Metaverse is a collection of many industries spanning games, Internet, blockchain, VR/AR, art, music and entertainment, architectural design, branding and IP, commercial real estate, finance and trading, which form a complex ecosystem. From construction to operation, Metaverse is inseparable from the collaboration and support of teams from multiple regions and different backgrounds.

The Realy metaverse has been running in the way of DAO since the first day of construction. Development teams from Japan, Belgium, the United States, and China have built a AAA-level virtual city KOOOLA for us, and operation teams from the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, China and other regions have expanded our community for us.

Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to start to clarify the Realy DAO, so that community members can participate in the community growth process more widely.

How will Realy DAO run?

· Fist, members holding more than 10,000 $REAL tokens can join the DAO.

· DAO members can initiate proposals.

· Proposals are voted by all token holders.

· The final result is determined by the number of tokens (weight) held by the users participating in the voting multiplied by their voting results.

· All proposals must comply with national regulatory laws, and any violations will be deemed invalid.

The Realy DAO governance is an ever-evolving process. If you want to be a part of this evolution, please submit proposals, become a $REAL holder, and vote.

Welcome to join Realy DAO via our discord server: https://discord.gg/KDSFyqW6.

Let’s build our community great together.

Realy Metaverse Foundation

November 1, 2022

